Home / Blood Pressure Chart (PHP Script)

Blood Pressure Chart (PHP Script)

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Source: Google Images

Hi Guys! This is a 1 of the four (4) simple php scripts for identifying the pediatric vital signs. 

Below is the code for Blood pressure chart. Watch out for other vital sign scripts that i will post next. Okay, enough of the chit chat blah blah blah. Below is the php code

function blood_pressure_chart($age,$rate) {    
$rate = explode("/",$rate); $systolic = $rate[0];
// upper number $diastolic = $rate[1];
// lower number
// School Age
if($age>=6 && $age<=9) {
if(($systolic>=97 && $systolic<=115) && (($diastolic>=57 && $diastolic<=76)))
{ return 'Normal'; }
else { return 'Abnormal'; }
} // Pre-Adolescent
else if($age>=10 && $age<=11) {
if(($systolic>=102 && $systolic<=120) && (($diastolic>=61 && $diastolic<=80))) {
return 'Normal'; }
else { return 'Abnormal';

// Adolescent else if($age>=12 && $age<=15) {
if(($systolic>=110 && $systolic<=131) && (($diastolic>=64 && $diastolic<=83))) {
return 'Normal'; }
else { return 'Abnormal'; }
} }

Basic Usage:

echo blood_pressure_chart(12,'120/80'); // Output: Normal